Mathis Guerin's Portfolio

My Skills

My Projects

BUT Skills

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  • About me
  • My skills
  • My CV

Hello, I'm Mathis Guerin !

I am a computer science student at IUT Lyon 1 in the second year. I love discovering new things and I work out of passion. Above all, I like to code and develop in many different languages.

When I am involved in a project that interests me, it can happen that I no longer see myself for a whole week.

I am currently at the end of my computer science BUT diploma with one year of practical work-study experience within an EDF development team.

image svg

Download my CV here

My best school and personal projects

Project Mazzy

A Javascript game that implements maze generation

mazzy screen

What is it ?

Project Mazzy is a game that I made in my second year of IUT. It is a maze game where you have to find the exit of the maze. The maze is generated randomly and the difficulty is increasing as you increase the size of the maze.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the canvas element in javascript and how to use the canvas API. I also learned how to use the DOM API to create and manipulate elements.

What did I use ?

For this project I used HTML, CSS and Javascript.

My Blop

A symphony project made in class in my second year of IUT, this is a blog so go check it yourself :)

My blop screen

What is it ?

My Blop is a blog that I made in my second year of IUT. It is a blog where you can read, create, delete and update articles. There is also admin functionalities that allow to manage all the website.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the symphony framework and how to use the doctrine ORM. I also learned how to use the twig template engine and how to use the bootstrap framework.

What did I use ?

For this project I used bootstrap, symfony, PHP and Twig.


An andoroid app that fetch velov data and display it in a compact and usefull app

Velovify screen Velovify screen

What is it ?

Velovify is an android app that I made in my second year of IUT. It is an app that fetch data from the velov API and display it in a compact and usefull way.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the android studio IDE and how to use the android API. I also learned how to use the retrofit library to fetch data from an API.

What did I use ?

For this project I used android studio, kotlin, retrofit and the velov API.


Matrix is ​​an EDF application that I developed during my third year of BUT internship.

Matrix demo screen

What is it ?

Matrix is ​​an EDF application that I developed during my third year of BUT internship. The goal of the app is to meet the growing needs in terms of efficient management of development requests at Manufacture Digitale, the team in which I worked for a year.

What did I learn ?

I worked on this project for several months, initially on the design with the collection of customer needs and the technical design. I then developed the entire application independently. I progressed in project management during the design of the application as well as in organizing agile ceremonies. I learned a lot technically, in particular thanks to having to deal with all the development phases from the initialization of the application to maintenance and bug resolution.

What did I use ?

The technical stack of the project is Angular (with RxJs, NgRx, tailwind) on the frontend and Java Spring Boot on the backend.

All my projects

Graph Map Analysis

A Java project of my first year of IUT that manipulates graphs

My website screen

What is it ?

Graph Map Analysis is a Java project that I made in my first year of IUT. It is a project that manipulates graphs and that allows to find the shortest path between two points.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the Java language and how to manipulate graphs.

What did I use ?

For this project I used Java and swing for the visuals.

BUT Info Website

My first ever computer Science project, I've made it im my first year of IUT

My website screen

What is it ?

BUT Info Website is a website that I made in my first year of IUT. It is a website that present the IUT of Lyon 1 witch is my school. I kept it into my porject for the memories but it's very rough.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned the bases of HTML and CSS and also to work with tools like gitlab and version management software.

What did I use ?

For this project I used HTML/CSS and Javascript.

Directory Administrator

A C project of my first year of IUT that manage a direcotry of clients

Directory administrator screen

What is it ?

Directory Administrator is a C project that I made in my first year of IUT. It is a project that manage a directory of clients and that allows to add, delete, modify and search clients.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the C language and how to manipulate files. It also leanr how to work with a team in an computer science project.

What did I use ?

For this project I used C and the ncurses library for the visuals.

Name Gen

A Java application that generate names using a basic AI

NameGen screen

What is it ?

Name Gen is a Java application that I made for myself, it was a small challenge that i wanted to do because I was curious about the result. It is a project that generate names using a basic AI.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the Java language and how to manipulate data cleverly.

What did I use ?

For this project I used Java only.


A python bot for discord that fetch velov data and implements some functions for the user to see the velov traffic

Bot velov second screen

What is it ?

Bot-V-Love is a python bot for discord that I made in my personals projects. It is a bot that fetch velov data and implements some functions for the user to see the velov traffic.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the python language and how to use the discord API.

What did I use ?

For this project I used python and the discord API. I also run this bot on my personal rasbery Pi with a special setup made for the occasion.

Sell & Buy

A php project of my second year of IUT, it is a big marketplace to buys and sell everything you want !

Sell & buy screen

What is it ?

Sell & Buy is a php project that I made in my second year of IUT. It is a big marketplace to buys and sell everything you want !

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned how to use the php language and how to use MVC model. I also learn a lot about team building and how to and how to develop within a team.

What did I use ?

For this project I used php, scss and some javascript.

My website

A website that I made to present myself

My website screen

What is it ?

My website is a website that I made in my second year of IUT. It is a website that I made to present myself and my projects.

What did I learn ?

During this project I learned to use scss a lot and also how to highlight my skills and my projects.

What did I use ?

For this project PHP, scss and Javascript.

My Projects

Mobile not supported, go on desktop to see my projects

All BUT Skills from first to third year

Application development

Thanks to my learning from BUT as well as all school, professional and personal projects, I am versatile and know how to develop mobile, web and software applications.


Whether during team projects at school or in business, I am used to working within a team and have learned through my experiences to know and occupy my place within a team.

Application optimization

After carrying out performance audits, I resolve memory leaks and optimize the complex algorithms that I develop to improve the overall efficiency of my projects.

Administration of complex IT systems

I know how to manage the automatic deployment of an application using CI/CD tools and I ensure that each stage of the pipeline is optimized to guarantee rapid and reliable delivery to production.

Data and information management

With training in database design and analysis, along with hands-on experience applying these skills, I am proficient in modeling and optimizing information systems effectively.

Project management

I leverage my leadership to steer my team toward achieving goals by implementing agile methodologies. With a deep understanding of agile practices, I effectively apply them in a professional context.

All the ways to contact me